The FAST Lane To Formula One Cash...

16th March 2016

Hi ,

Formula One is a Multi-Billion Dollar Business that offers us fans across the globe a rush that's rarely seen in any other sporting event. F1 is a sport that's backed by superb TV coverage that at times has you feel like you're actually in the cockpit living life on the edge!

The 2016 Season starts with the Australian Grand Prix on 20 Match where the teams will contest twenty one Grand Prix ending with the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix on 27 November.

The German Grand Prix returns at Hockenheim at the end of July and the European round at Baku brings the number of races to a record 21 this season.

CLICK HERE - There's CASH To Be Made This Weekend!

Eleven teams and twenty two drivers will battle it out over 21 compelling Grand Prix in what promises to be a spectacular season. Who are going to be the Champions of 2016 Podium Party? That's the big question that many fans are debating.

At BetFan we love Formula 1 and after last seasons excellent profits we've decided to bring back what we believe to be one of the very best F1 Betting Clubs available. An opportunity that can only add to the thrill of a sport that so many people already love.

We're pleased to announce the Official Re-Launch of "BetFanF1" a dedicated, professional club designed to help it's members make a decent profit from F1 racing.

CLICK HERE - Move Your Betting Profits Into The FAST Lane!

With 21 race weekends we anticipate top news stories, race previews and the best betting/tipping pieces. We promise top quality F1 information to make this season much more exciting for all die-hard fans of the sport.

Best Wishes,


PS. Get involved today and lock in for the whole 2016 season! Don't delay, this weekends best bet is now available to members and circumstances shout out that this will be a tasty winner for all involved!